Some examples of our work

Guesthouse Chamonix, France
In the construction projects in the high mountains foam glass gravel makes a valuable contribution to energy-efficient construction.

Road construction, Norway
The SGGC delivered in 2014 about 15,000 m³ foam glass gravel to Norway to build a new road section.

Production Site at Edewecht
Depending on demand and conditions, different load carrying values can be achieved by applying different compression ratios to max. 2:1 to the ground.

Road construction USA
Foam glass gravel in use as a substructure for streets and buildings.
Due to its excellent suitability as a dry layer, foam glass gravel can be used particularly well in areas with high soil moisture in order to create a stable, load-bearing and possibly insulating base.

Heat storage Eggenstein
Application with approx. 1.000 m³ foam glass gravel for heat supply of a school.

IKEA Hamburg
Especially on a parking deck with highly dynamic conditions and thousands of load alternations foam glass gravel proves its ideal use as a base layer for such applications. Down to come the easy handling and savings due to shorter time for completion
Due to its light weight, applications of foam glass gravel in upper levels are possible
High compressive strength at low weight are the key parameters for these types of applications.

Family house with office wing, Markt Nordheim, Germany
Owner and planner have agreed to use foam glass gravel, because this material shows, in addition to a good thermal insulation, frost resistance and capillary breaking 50% lower cost for applying the foundation and thus shorter total construction time.